Austin, Texas— Five members of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron attended the 2007 Texas Wing Conference at the Former Bergstrom “Donut” in Austin, Texas on 13-15 August 2007. Major Joe Ely Carrales, 1st Lt Sandy Phelps, 1st Lt John Hoelscher, SM Monica Lozano and Cadet Airman Phillip Lozano represented the CC-CAP unit and Group V to the larger Wing.
The Conference was attended by CAP National Commander Major General Antonio “Tony” Pineda, Southwest Region Commander Col Reggie Chitwood and Texas Wing Commander Frank Eldridge. Also in attendance was Col Joe Smith, a former USAF Senior Officer, Oklahoma Wing Commander and long time CAP Officer. They were in attendance of the Texas Wing Change of Command where Col Eldridge turned command of the Texas Wing to Col Smith.
CAP Officers from Corpus Christi arrived Friday Afternoon and participated in the workshop section of the Conference held primarily on Saturday.
“Attending the Wing Conference,” said Major Joe Ely Carrales Unit Commander and attendee, “ was one of our MAJOR goals for 2007. If we are to be a successful organization we must come to know all our people...our brother and sister CAP Airmen throughout the Wing.”
The day began with the General Session where Lt Col Max Hays served as Master of Ceremonies introducing the dignitaries from National, Region and Wing. The Colors were posted by the Competition Color Guard of the Pegasus Composite Squadron.
Each commander gave a speech highlighting their unit’s goals. Colonel Chitwood discussed activities slated for the near future alluding to more inter-Wing activities and even Southwest Region members attending Wing and local functions. Col Eldridge thanked the Wing and his Staff for a fruitful and outstanding administration.
Of extreme significance were the comments of the Major General. The subjects discussed were UNIFORMS, REMOVING "USAF AUX" OFF UNIFORMS/PLANES, MEMBERSHIP, PROMOTIONS, the NEW FLYING MISSION and the change to “U.S. Civil Air Patrol.” These will be covered in detail in the next issue of this almanac.
During the General Assembly several awards were given out including a Meritorious Service Award to Major Sean Crandall, Squadron Commander of Brownsville, for his service to the Wing by conducting the 2005 Texas Wing Conference in Corpus Christi. That year, the YEAR OF THE HURRICANES, saw the Conference moved again and again until it finally took place in November.
Major Joe Ely Carrales was presented with an Award for being the 2006 Southwest Region Public Affairs Officer of the Year. Major Juan Arredondo of Brownsville was awarded the Cadet Programs Officer of the Year Award for the Texas Wing.
From there the Texas Wing Conference attendees broke off into their various sessions. Corpus Christi was represented in nearly every subject. Major Carrales attended a Public Affairs session conducted by WING PAO Major Dana Gray. 1st Lt John Hoelscher attended the Aircraft maintenance session that described the new Consolidated Maintenance Program and listened as Major General Pineda addressed concerns. Additionally, Lt Hoelscher attended the Aerospace Education session conducted by Major Bjorn Sundet.
1st Lt Sandy Phelps visited various Communications lectures and some items on Cadet Programs. SM Monica Lozano, the unit’s newest member, got a good impression of CAP.
The highlight of the evening was the Change of Command at the Banquet latter that evening. Colonel Eldridge passed the baton to Colonel Smith in a sincere ceremony, thus bridging the successes of the last three years to events yet to take place.
Sunday, Cadet Phillip Lozano represented his unit at the Cadet Advisory Council, a first for the unit in NINE YEARS!!!
From there the Texas Wing Conference attendees broke off into their various sessions. Corpus Christi was represented in nearly every subject. Major Carrales attended a Public Affairs session conducted by WING PAO Major Dana Gray. 1st Lt John Hoelscher attended the Aircraft maintenance session that described the new Consolidated Maintenance Program and listened as Major General Pineda addressed concerns. Additionally, Lt Hoelscher attended the Aerospace Education session conducted by Major Bjorn Sundet.
1st Lt Sandy Phelps visited various Communications lectures and some items on Cadet Programs. SM Monica Lozano, the unit’s newest member, got a good impression of CAP.
The highlight of the evening was the Change of Command at the Banquet latter that evening. Colonel Eldridge passed the baton to Colonel Smith in a sincere ceremony, thus bridging the successes of the last three years to events yet to take place.
Sunday, Cadet Phillip Lozano represented his unit at the Cadet Advisory Council, a first for the unit in NINE YEARS!!!
All in all, the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron greatly benefited from the experience and we look forward to making the rest of the year a success.
Assorted Wing Conference Photos...
The Brownsville Comp Squadron with Major General Antonio Pineda, CAP National Commander.
Lt Col Billman, Commander of Group V, and Major Joe Ely Carrales, at the Awards Lunch.
Major Joe Ely Carrales and Major General Antonio Pineda at the Banquet
Major Sean Crandall and Major Juan Arredondo watch the proceedings of the Texas Wing Cadet Advisory Council.
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