Sunday, May 29, 2011

Staff Meeting held at PIZZA PARLOR

Kingsville, Texas- All Squadron Cadets were invited to attend the first meeting of SUMMER 2011 on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 at the Pizza Parlor in Kingsville, Texas.  However, due to an error on a calendar issued earlier this month attendance was small.  Instead, a staff meeting was held since the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Command and Cadet NCO Corps was present. The agenda discussed the up coming prototype CAMP OUT and O-FLIGHT Activities for the summer.  It was an opportunity to conduct an Awards Ceremony for all the promotions to NCO grade.

New and first ever Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron NCO Corps.  Next year's training cycle will see the inclusion of these NCOs as Flight Sergeants.  Pictured here are C/SSgt Juan Cardec, C/SSgt Juan Vela, Jr, C/SSgt Savahanna Jimenez and C/SSgt Robert Alcantara. 

Promotions included Cadets Juan Vela, Jr, Robert Alcantara and Juan Cardec who were promoted to C/SSgt and the presentation of ENCAMPMENT SCHOLARSHIP to First Sergeant S/SSgt Savahanna Jimenez.  Cadet Jimenez will receive the scholarship once she applies to an encampment.

Hurricane Season, which starts on 1 June 2011, was discussed along with the need for volunteers to support such activity if necessary.  Cadets will have to “self-train” in Federal Emergency Management Classes on line.  No cadet can deploy without all those courses which include...

IC-100 CLASS and TEST: you need an e-mail address and your Social Security Number

IC-200 CLASS and TEST: you need an e-mail address and your Social Security Number

IC-700 CLASS and TEST: you need an e-mail address and your Social Security Number



7 JUNE 2011- Regular Meeting at Memorial Middle School

14 JUNE 2011- Regular Meeting at Memorial Middle School

21 JUNE 2011- Regular Meeting at Memorial Middle School

28 JUNE 2011- Meeting Canceled due to Major Carrales being out of town on School Business.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cadets really COOK

Kingsville, Texas- Cadets from the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron recently had an opportunity to practice some outdoor cooking in preparation for Summer Camping activities.  While they intially intented to prepare a slate of dishes, the unit focused on CAMP PIZZA.

"It seems wierd," said one on looker, "the idea of cooking a pizza on the bar-be-que pit is just strange."

Never-the-less, cadets had a chance to make the confection out door with their never mini-pits which were acquired this week and assembled in the MMS gym.

Cadets Cardec, Alcantara, Ziyad and Del Valle waiting for their turn to cook the pizzas.

Cadets Stillwagon, the Brothers Cardec and Ziyad making their pizzas.

Time to devour the pizzas

Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron make Memorial Middle School Yearbook

Kingsville, Texas- The Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron received a kudos this past week, the last week of school, by making a appearance in the Memorial Middle School Annual.

This is the second year that Civil Air Patrol was documented in the yearbook.

"We try to bring options to the student body," said Major J. E. Carrales, "we are honored to be in the process of making memories."

Last year's Annual too say a section devoted to Civil Air Patrol, but that was via the Brahma Flight of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron.  The new unit, garrisoned at Memorial Middle School, was charted in October 2010 and this marks the first time the cadet unit was so honored.

The main Civil Air Patrol section of the Memorial Middle School Annual, although cadets and cadet activites were documented throughout. 
Many thanks to Mrs Angela Smith who, with her student staff, produced an outstanding product.

Memorial Day Color Guard Presentation

Kingsville, Texas- The Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Color Guard presented the colors at the Kleberg Co. War Memorial the ground of the Kleberg County Courthouse in recognition of Memorial Day 2011.

Mr. Eddie Moreno of the VFW visited the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron to discuss possible activities for Memorial Day in Kingville which is Monday, 30 May 2011.  He has requested the unit's presence at a ceremony to be held at the Kleberg County War Memorial.  The unit accepted the challenge.

The activity is set to began at 0900L hrs at the War Memorial.  Cadets are to arrived early, at 0830L hrs, to examine the equipment and practice the tasking.   Of special note, the cadets used the new M14 replica drill rifles for the first time.

Cadet Vela and Spencer practice with the new Drill rifles on the ground of the Kleberg County Courthouse.

1)  C/SSgt Savahanna Jimenez, CAP (US COLORS)
2) C/1st Lt Matthew Spencer, CAP (US RIFLE GUARD)
3) C/SrA Juan Cardec, CAP (CAP COLORS)
4) C/SrA Juan Vela, Jr. CAP (CAP RIFLE GUARD)

5) C/Amn S. Del Valle, CAP

Cadets Spencer, Jimenez, Cardec, Vela and Del Valle presented the colors at the Kleberg Count War Memorial on the grounds of Kleberg Co. Courthouse.

Several speakers were on hand for the 2011 Memorial Day Observance in Kingsville, Texas.
The ceremony is one of two ceremonies held in Kingsville, Texas to honor the fallen.  Special thanks to Mr. Eddie Moreno for including the unit in the ceremony.

Cadet Savahanna Jimenez was able to say a few words on KIII-TV...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

26 May 2011- Regular Meeting Agenda

Thought of the Day:
"In everything we do, there has to be a focus on safety.  We are here to provide opportunities to the cadets and to provide a certain level of fun and a change from the injure, hurt or otherwise harm people."                                    -Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP   -March 2007

1605L hrs- Opening Ceremonies, Pledge, Cadet Oath and Moment of Silence

1615L hrs- Brief Guest Speaker: Mr. E. Moreno of the local VFW on the ceremony at Memorial Day, next Monday.  We my field a Color Element to represent the unit.  Mr. Moreno will speak about what would be expected.

1615L hrs- Unit Up coming activities

1)Summer Schedule needs to be made with a summary of Summer Activities.  A list of activities will be passed out.

2) Memorial Day activities.  All members of the Civil Air Patrol are encouraged to show their support for the Fallen by wearing their uniforms to Worship Services this Sunday, 29 May 2011.  A ceremony will be held on 30 May 2011, Memorial Day proper, details will be posted at this blog.

3) Command Training CAMP OUT: Currently in planning stage but set for  3-4 June 2011 at Bishop Municipal Airport.  Activity is limited to a small number of cadets selected by the Squadron Commander/Deputy Commander for Cadets.  Other camp outs will be planned for the summer each to accomodate larger numbers.   Cadets should have a tent or other shelter, to be discussed today.

4) 7 June 2011- First Official Meeting of the Summer, to be held at Pizza Parlor at 1500L hrs.  Uniform of the day will be Blues for all who have them.  Bring at least 8 dollars for meal.

 1645L hrs- Reinforement of Fire Safety Briefing/ CAMP COOKING CLASS

Portable Bar-be-que pits will be assembled (if not already done) and two fires will be set in these secure pits.  Fire wood will need to be collected.

Cadets will divide into three groups with each group focusing on one cooking item.  Major Carrales will demonstrate the item and cadets will make them.

This activity should take the remaining meeting time.  Cadets may practice their Drill Routine while food cooks.  Cadets will clean the portable bar-be-que pits prior to leaving.

1750L hrs- Unit Up coming activities

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24 May 2011- Regular Meeting Agenda

"Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence and Respect are the core values of the Civil Air as much, you have to do what you say you will do for the good of your unit to the best of your abilities in a way that shows you know you're brother and sister CAP members that have worth.  If you can't do what you say you will...then you need to acknowledge that and let people know what can and cannot be done. People will count on you...letting them down causes problems."  Major Carrales  2011
1605L hrs- Opening Ceremonies, Pledge, Cadet Oath and Moment of Silence

1615L hrs- Unit Up coming activities

1) Memorial Middle School Awards assembly at MMS on Wednesday 25 May 25 2011 in the MMS cafeteria.  Start time is 6:00 p.m.(1800L hrs)  Color Guard members will be chosen, with an alternate who will hold the Guidon if not used, and will practice today in the cafeteria.  This will be a POSTING of COLORS.


1) C/A1C Stillwagon, CAP (US FLAG)
2) C/SrA R. Alcantara, CAP (CAP FLAG)
4) C/SrA J. Cardec, CAP (CAP FLAG- RIFLE)

Alternate (Guidon)
C/Amn R. Gonzalez
2) Thursday, 26 May 2011- Is another outdoor day, students are asked to bring $3 on Monday to pitch in for cooking supplies and food for the the cooking activity to be held.  The money will be used to buy ground meat and supplies for CAMP PIZZA and other camp food.  We can save money at CAMP OUTS if we buy and cook our own food.

3) Summer Schedule needs to be made with a summary of Summer Activities.  Plan awards Dinner at Pizza Parlor for the Summer.

1630L hrs- Safety Briefing: Fire: Our Friend and Enemy: To properly participate in any cooking that taks place.  We must understand fire, how one is built and how dangerous it can be.  Also, a look at how a house can be made more safe from fires.

1700 L hrs- Drill Team and Color Guard Practices- Continue working with new cadets and work on Drill Routine.  Ending with a game of KNOCKOUT!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


South Texas- An  initial campout event will be held from Friday, 3 June to Saturday 4 June 2011 at the Bishop Municipal Airport north of Bishop, Texas.  This marks the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron's first foray into camping in over a year.  Cadets from the Corpus Christi Composite Squadron has camped out earlier this month for O-Flights at the same location.

Only two or three cadets from each unit will be chosen to attend this overnight activity.  Female sponsorship is to be provided to insure the CAP CADET PROTECTION policies are enforced. Squadron Activities for the end of May 2011 will focus on issues related to this event.  Also, those cadets who are selected to attend will be required to have a safety class before and some pre-O-Flight instruction.

From Capt M. Ward, CC-CAP Operations

A Camp-Out / O-Flight / Cadet Training extravaganza and Marshmallow Burn will be held Friday/Saturday 3-4 June at Bishop Municipal Airport.

Due to the nature of the training, this event is limited to Adult Leaders and 2 - 3 of
your top cadets who are in leadership positions.

O-Flights will be made pending O-Pilot availability.

Please let me know if any CCCS cadets who are leaders wish to participate.

Mike Ward
Operations Officer

1) C/1st Lt. M. Spencer, CAP
2) C/SSgt S. Jimenez, CAP
3) C/Amn S. Del Valle, CAP
4) C/Amn R. Gonzalez, CAP

More Information to come...







The longer daylight hours of summertime allow for O-Flights after school or work for eligible Cadets.

Currently, O-Flights are being conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1630 to approximately 2000. During this time, two Cadets can participate in O-Flights each O-Flight day. Other weekdays might be scheduled if O-Pilots are available.

Typically, a briefing is conducted for about 30 minutes follwed by a preflight inspection of the aircraft. The sortie is generally from RBO to ALI, where the Cadets switch seats, then return to RBO. Total flight time for each cadet is approximately .7  to .8 hours.

Please follow the procedures outlined below to schedule O-Flights:

  1. Identify the Cadets who wish to participate in O-Flights.
  2. Determine the order in which pairs of cadets will participate.Example: Cadet Rickenbacker and Cadet Earhart 1st in que for O-Flight  Cadet Lindberg and Cadet Boyington    2nd in que for O-Flight.
Schedules need to look forward for a minimum 30 day period. Cadets may be scheduled for successive flights in their turn.
  1. Cadet Leaders plan for transportation of participating Cadets to and from RBO. This is not the pilot’s responsibility.
  2. Cadet Leaders ensure each O-Flight Cadet possesses a copy of the O-Flight record portion of their CAPF 66, which must be presented to the O-Pilot prior to the sortie.
  3. Cadet Leaders verify each Cadet possesses a print copy of CAPP 52-7 O-Flight syllabus.
  4. Cadet Leaders conduct appropriate training suggested in the O-Flight syllabus prior to the sortie.
  5. Select a date for the O-Flight, with two additional backup days.
  6. Cadet leaders verify paperwork is in order for each cadet.
  7. Forward the info from steps 1- 7 to Mike Ward
  8. One week prior to scheduled O-Flight, verify commitment of Cadets who will participate and notify Mike Ward via email above. If one or both Cadets cancel, please fill the empty slot(s) so the O-Flight day will not be wasted. Lack of verification may result in cancellation of sortie. Please be considerate of your volunteer O-Pilots’ time.

Every effort will be made to accommodate the schedules submitted by Cadet Leaders. Schedule approval is at the discretion of  the Operations Officer.

O-Pilots are listed below:

Baldwin, Lorenzo 372914,  Barfoot, Johnnie 428931,  Boyd, Adam 346872,   Hopkins, Josh 453648, Lunceford, Jerry 297963,   Manning, Robert 354390,   Velazquez, Rene 434848,  Ward, Michael 446824

Historically, pilots with the most flexible schedules to accommodate O-Flights on weekday afternoons are Hopkins, Lunceford, and Ward.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Corpus Christi Comp Squadron and Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Support BEACH to BAY

Corpus Christi, Texas- Cadets and Senior Members from two South Texas Civil Air Patrol units proudly assisted with the 36th Annual running of the Beach-to-Bay relay Marathon in Corpus Christi, Texas on 21 May 2011.  The relay is the largest such relay in the United States of America and attracts participants from all over the world.

Cadets provide three main services at this event, finish line assistance, support of the awards area and the presentation of the Colors for the start of the awards ceremony.  CAP participation in the event, this year, was coordinated by Major Joe Ely Carrales, Commander of the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron, and SM Kurt Ryder, Deputy Commander for Cadets of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron.  Lt Col John Barfoot participated in the the race running a 4.69 mile stretch in 39 minutes.

When questioned about the effort Lt Col Barfoot simply replied, "...felt great."

The effort to get CAP personnel in position for the event is a long one requiring the CAP VAN be positioned in Bishop or Kingsville, Texas well prior to the event.  The CAP has been involved with the event going back to the year 2000 and solidly since 2007.

Transportation of Cadets from Kingsville to Corpus Christi, Texas and marshaling this year presented new challenges since the location of the finish line was moved from its traditional start at Cole Park to McCaughan Park, which will be its location in the future.

Cadets remained hydrated and in good spirits despite the sun and sea gulls.

"It was different this year," began Major J.E. Carrales, "however it was good to see and hear the local band Flashback as well as do an outstanding job for the event."

Major Jerry Lunceford and SM Kurt Ryder helped organize the finish line.  On a peculiar note, Major Lunceford is holding (unseen) a box containing a engagement ring.  The fellow obscured by Cadet Ritter's head was setting up a proposal to his long time girlfriend who was running in the race.   

Cadets at work assisting runners at the finish line.  Some runners may be in distress and need to be taken to the Medical tent or to a tent where they can get a massage if they cramp.
Early on the cadets established a perimeter, to insure that the Cadet Colors Element would have an unobstructed area in which to present the colors.

Later on, the challenge became holding back a crowd of an estimated 10,000 people just prior to the awards assembly.  I would like to thank the participants who respected the line and allowed for a smooth activity.

C/SSgt Savahanna Jimenez's first official activity as the Unit's First Sergeant.

Cadets Stillwagon and Spencer "represent" 

Additional Digital Camera imagery...
Major Joe Ely Carrales and C/1st Lt Spencer

Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron First Sergeant S. Lozano and Cadet Commander C/1st Lt Spencer

C/SrA Alcantara guarding the awards area

C/Amn A. Canales informally holds the Guidon as the event winds down

Semper Vigilans...C/Amn S. Del Valle takes a corner and holds the line

The Finish Line crew maintains order and decorum

C/SrA A. Ryder. Corpus Christi Comp Squadron Cadet Public Affairs Officer

C/1st Lt Matthew Spencer, Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Cadet Commander

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Memorial Middle School- Cadet Savahannah J. Jimenez of the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron was appointed the rank of First Sergeant at Memorial Middle School on 19 May 2011 after completing training as a Civil Air Patrol airman.

Cadet Jimenez first joined the Civil Air Patrol on 08 Sept 2009 as a member of the Corpus Christi Composite Squadron and was one of the Charter Members of the Coastal Bend which began autonomous operation in Kingsville in October 2010. She is trained in General Emergency Services and, thus eligible for deployment during Civil Air Patrol Hurricane deployments should then need arise this summer.

Cadet Jimenez served as the assistant color guard commander for the unit and took full responsibility for the color guard during January of this year. Jimenez led the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron color guard during several high profile events including the H.M. King Homecoming Parade, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and the 17 April 2011 outing of the Corpus Christi Hooks baseball club at What-A-Burger Field in Corpus Christi, Texas.

In custom with her appointment, she is authorized to wear diamond shaped lozenges above her grade chevrons to indicate her rank.
Cadet Jimenez (center) receives her diamonds from Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP, Squadron Commander,  and Mr Joe Mireles, Principal of Memorial Middle School.

19 May 2011- Meeting Canceled

The meeting for 19 May 2011 has been canceled as per the calendar.  Major Carrales will be attending a Banquet for Kingsville ISD teachers.  Meeting will resume next Tuesday.

Cadet are to continue turning in their BEACH-TO-BAY permission slips.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

O-Flights: 18 May 2011 Kudos to Cadets Stillwagon and Gonzalez on their first CAP FLIGHT!!!

 Robstown, Texas- Cadet O-Flights were scheduled and flown on 18 May 2011 under the stewardship of Major Jerry Lunceford, CAP.  The cadets were flown at Nueces Co. Airport (KRBO) amid excellent conditions. Major Jerry Lunceford flew C/A1C Jon Stillwagon and C/Amn Ricardo Gonzalez.

Their path included a tour of South Texas and a partial flyover of Kingsville, Texas.

Additionally, Cadet Stillwagon was promoted to the rank of Cadet Airman 1st Class...congratulation are in order.
Amid a somewhat "layered" sky, Cadets Stillwagon and Gonzalez entered.  I am going to start taking photos of the skies before each of these flights.  It would seem each round of O-Flights has a very customized background.
Major J. Lunceford describes the "trim" on the elevator while examining a COASTAL BEND CADET SQUADRON PATCH.

Cadets Stillwagon and Gonzalez help determine the route they will travel.

C/A1C Jon Stillwagon of Kingsville, Texas sits in the cockpit of "CHARLIE PAPA"

C/Amn Ricardo Gonzalez of Kingsville, Texas started in the back seat and switched out.
All is in readiness...time to FLY!!!

Additional Photos from digital camera...

Cadet Stillwagon is promoted to Cadet Airman First Class

Cadet Stillwagon in the front seat of "CHARLIE PAPA"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This will be where all information on the role of the Corpus Christi Comp Sqadron and Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron involvement in the Beach-to-Bay Relay will be posted.

Almanac Information:

Beach to Bay Relay- Cadets will support the activity with passive security and other logistical support. Assignment will be given out prior. Some will look after trophies, others will work the FINISH LINE and some selected ones may run the marathon.

Time and Date: 21 May 2011
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas  Slated at present for McCaughan Park on the Bay Front. 
UOD: BDUs, pistol belt and canteen.
Vehicle Status: VAN RESERVED on CAPERS for Transport of Cadets from Kingsville, Texas to Corpus Christi, Texas.

McCaughan Park is located next to the parking lot where the BUC DAYs Parade ended near the Methodist Church that has the large statue of Jesus

This is where the finish line and awards area will be.  More info to come.



Positions on  the CAP VAN (Highlighted Indicates Returned Permissions Slip and Committment)
1) C/A1C A. Ziyad, CAP
2) C/ A1C K. Scudder, CAP
3) C/Amn A. Canales, CAP
4) C/Amn Sarah Del Valle, CAP
5) C/SrA R. Alcantara, CAP6) C/ SrA J. Cardec, CAP

7) C/Amn R. Gonzalez, CAP
8) C/1st Lt M. Spencer, CAP (pending)
9) C/Amn J. Stillwagon, CAP

10) C/SSgt S. Jimenez, CAP
11) ***************
12) ***************

Color Elements for Beach to Bay
US Flag- C/SSgt S. Jimenez
CAP Flag-C/SrA A. Ryder
US Rifle Guard-C/1st Lt M. Spencer
CAP Rifle Guard-C/SrA R. Alcantara

Cadets from the COASTAL BEND CADET SQUADRON will travel to CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS on 21 May 2011 to assist in the 36th Annual Beach-to-Bay relay.  CADETS will travel in the squadron van limiting the number to some 12 cadets and equipment.  Your child ___________________________has been chosen to attend this sactivity.

ALL CADETS MUST BE IN FULL UNIFORM FOR BEACH-TO-BAY ACTIVITY.  THE UNIFORM OF THE DAY WILL BE BATTLE DRESS UTILITY UNIFORMS (BDU) all involved.  Cadets will provide passive security measures, assist in the set up of the finish line and assistance to the actual finish line.

CADETS will be in good behavior for said activity, any violation of their CORE VALUES may result in a demotion or even expulsion from the program.  I DO NOT ANTICIPATE any such activity and look forward to a fun activity.

Cadets are asked to bring money for a meal. We will also stop at a gas station to fuel up…I recommend that CADETS refrain from or seriously consider not buying snacks there for it is my opinion that that is a waste of money.

Kingsville cadets are to meet at Memorial Middle School (CAP STATION the back) at 0715L hrs (7:15 pm) Saturday 21 May 2011 for a 0730L hrs (7:30 am) departure for Corpus Christi.  We have been requested to be there at 0815L hrs (8:15 am) to assist with the set up. UNIFORM of the DAY WILL BE BDUs for all present citing the outdoor  nature of the activity.  Cadets may consider being sunscreen  We anticipate that we will return to Kingsville at around 1530L hrs. (3:30 pm) but please allow time for incidental.

CADETS may bring their cell phones, but no texting will be allowed during the activity.  CADETs will be encouraged to contact you as we leave town for home.

More information is available on line at…


I know that my child ______________________________________, is attending and had permission to attend the 2011 36th Annual Beach-to-Bay Relay.

   Signed by parent or guardian           

Meeting Agenda- 17 May 2011

"The idea of organizational and individual excellence (a CAP CORE VALUE) is that we do our best at all times.  Things of this nature do not happen, overnight or with the waving of a wand.  For some, it takes time.  Some already have it as part of their upbringing...others will have to work at it.  We all, however, all be better off if we set high goals and reach for the stars."   -Major J. E. Carrales, CAP 2008

1605L hrs- Opening ceremony

1615L hrs- Calendar Items

O-FLIGHTS planned for tomorrow, based on pilot availability.  Cadets Stillwagon and Gonzalez are on the list.  If the flights are canceled, they will move to next week.  Cadets are to be ready in uniform for Wednesday.

1) 21 May 2011- A Saturday, Beach-To-Bay Relay in Corpus Christi, Texas, 12 Cadets needed for assistance to the Event Coordinators.  We will support that effort for this relay race providing personnel for various reasons.  A permission/information slip will be presented.  Cadets will meet at Memorial at 0715L hrs (7:15 am), we need to be onsight at 0815L hrs (8:15 am) for set up and support.  We should be back in Kingsville by 1530L hrs (3:30 pm). Detailed information available here...

Colorguard needs to be selected and practice today.

2) 24 May 2011- Color Guard for the MMS Awards Assembly at H.M. King High School.  Will need four cadets skilled in it.  Uniform of the day will be blues.

1645L hrs- COLOR GUARD Practice and Drill Team practices.  We will continue creating an armed drill routine for future use.


DISMISAL will be based on need to dismiss for Band Concert.  SEMER VIGILANS!

Monday, May 16, 2011

O-Flights Cancelled for 16 May 2011, moved to Wednesday

O-Flights for Monday, 16 May 2011, have been postponed until Wednesday, 18 May 2011 due to a conflict with Capt M. Ward, pilot.

Cadets Gonzalez and Stillwagon will fly on Wednesday, weather pending.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

12 May 2011- Meeting Agenda Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron

"How we value the things we have says a lots about what type of person we are.  For example, at one time I used to give certificates indicating cadet promotions, however, the cadets would leave them thrown.  I can only assume they did not value them...yet they cherished the Curry ribbon and their first stripe.  Why?  Why disregard the certificate?  After studying this for years I came up with an answer.  Some people have to have a tactile (physical) sign of achievement.  Same thing for things we are given.  Sometimes a person will not value a thing they do not 'own.'  I have given students folders and such and found them thrown in the hall about 6 min after the bell rand.  They did not pay for it, so they do not 'own it."  We don't give you grade in CAP, you earn becomes yours."     -Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP 2011

1605L hrs- Opening ceremony

1615L hrs- Calendar Items

1) Simulators postponed for the Summer.  Major Fidel Alvarado of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron reports that the activity will have to be moved to June.

2) 21 May 2011- A Saturday, Beach-To-Bay Relay in Corpus Christi, Texas, 12 Cadets needed for assistance to the Event Coordinators.  We will support that effort for this relay race providing personnel for various reasons.

3) 24 May 2011- Color Guard for the MMS Awards Assembly at H.M. King High School.  Will need four cadets skilled in it.  Uniform of the day will be blues.

1630L hrs- Character development Lesson: Command Presense and Keeping a Professional Image.

1700L hrs- PT Testing:  May take place indoors pending weather.  Measured distances: 8 Laps around the MMS Hallway area is 1 mile and 14 Laps around the Rotunda (Band/Choir Hall) is also a mile.

1745L hrs- Dismiss after data entered.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 May 2011- Regular meeting Agenda

"When one takes on membership in something, be it a team or a school or even a cadet program, they are a member of that organization at all times.  That means both in and out of uniform.  The CAP CORE VALUES of Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence and Respect don't 'shut off' just because the uniform comes off.  These are thing you are called on to add to your life.  You need to be a person of strength that serves for the best of things in life holding respect for what others do.  If a cadet cannot do this...they they are failing at being a CAP cadet.  The answer to that issue is to work at being those things and change those things that don't line up with them.  The choice is there."
                                  -Major J. E. Carrales, CAP 2004

1605L hrs- Opening Ceremonies: Led by highest ranking cadet present

1615L hrs- DRILL INSTRUCTION and PRACTICE.  Due to a meeting called by the Superintendent of School, Major Carrales will have to attend this meeting in the library.  Cadets will drill as flights during this period.  The School High Administration will be taking note of this.  It is very important that the two flights look professional for it will reflect on the program.  MAJOR CARRALES WILL HAVE THE RIFLES in the COMPUTER LAB. 

OBJECTIVE: Create a Drill Routine using rifle and facing movements for judgement by Major Carrales.


1700L hrs: TOWER will be set up under the command of Cadet Del Valle, TARP will be set up by all remaining cadets.

OBJECTIVE: BUILD A CAP FIELD MISSION BASE MADE UP of a 27 ft Tower, Tarp and table.  Strike the campsite when finished leaving no trace and organizing the materials in the building.

1800L hrs:  DISMISS



Monday, May 9, 2011

Cadets Spencer and Salazar Soar during 9 May 2011 O-Flights

Nueces Co. Airport- Fear of gusting winds canceling the Cadet Orientation Flights of 9 May 2011were set aside as regulation conditions presented themselves allowing C/1st Lt Matthew Spencer and C/Amn Devin Salazar to fly as planned.  Never-the-less, Major Carrales monitored the weather via this blog to insure cadets at Memorial Middle School and H.M. King could practice their skills at reading METARs feeds.

In addition to getting his first O-Flight, C/Amn Salazar was also completing another important milestone, an Aviation Merit Badge in the Boy Scouts of America.

Lt Mike Ward guides Cadet Spencer and Salazar to the end of the O-Flight as the evening sun reddens and sets.

Earlier during the experience, C/1st Lt Spencer shows C/Amn Salazar how an aircraft flies.

Next, after Major Jerry Lunceford and Lt Mike Ward returned the aircraft, C/1st Lt Spencer demonstrated the same lessons in a more real life setting.

"Alone again...naturally!" Major Carrales waits, alone, at KRBO.
"Working with other organizations," said Major J. E. Carrales, "is an important part of serving the community.  We are providing opportunities to our cadets...if providing the means to get the merit badge for Cadet Salazar opens a door for him in the BSA, then I will hep him open that door."

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 2011- Meetings and Activities of the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron

May 2011: Meetings and Activities

Goals anf Objectives for May 2011
1) Qualify all personnel in General Emergency Services (Starting with Alpha Flight)
2) Conduct BCUT course for Bravo Flight
3) Prepare of airport Camp Out (including Tents and cooking)
4) Prepare for possible deployments in Hurricane Season

One goal in mind is to provide trained, deployable cadets as a force miltiplier for any Hurricane Deployment should a hurricane make landfall in the Texas/Lousiana Wing.  This is only possible with 1) willing cadets interested in serving their Community, State and Nation en re Disaster Relief and 2) Cadets willing to do the training and qualify in these necessary skills.  Everyone is to be trained, only those making the committments necessary will be allowed to deploy.
Week 1: Completed prior to schedule.  O-Flights held on Monday and Wednesday.  Tuesday meeting held.  FLIGHT of the WEEK: Alpha Flight


9 May 2011- O-Flights planned for C/1st Lt Matthew Spencer and C/Amn Devin Salazar at Nueces Co. Airport near Robstown, Texas.

10 May 2011- Regular meeting at Memorial Middle School.  Uniform of the Day: BDUs.  Outdoor activities planned


12 May 2011- Regular meeting at Memorial Middle School.  Uniform of the Day: BDUs.  PT Day Activity


17 May 2011- Regular meeting at Memorial Middle School.  Uniform of the Day: BLUES.


20 May 2011- Simulators at NAS KINGSVILLE (pending information from Major Fidel Alvarado)

21 May 2011- A Saturday, Beach-To-Bay Relay in Corpus Christi, Texas, 12 Cadets needed for assistance to the Event Coordinators.

24 May 2011- Regular meeting at Memorial Middle School.  Uniform of the Day:BLUES. 

26 May 2011-Regular meeting at Memorial Middle School.  Uniform of the Day: BDUs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4 May 2011 Cadet Orientation Flights

  NUECES CO AIRPORT (KBRO)- For the second time in one week Civil Air Patrol Cadets were given Orientation Flights from Robstown's Nueces Co. Airport. Cadets Jimenez and Ziyad we selected to fly with Cadet Matthew Spencer on Stand by for the activity. 

The squadron blog reported on weather all day and examined that there was a potential dangerous crosswind in the early morning that was no longer and issue by flight time.  Cadets have been slowly introduced to METARs and how to read it effectively.

The O-Pilot was, again, 1st Lt Mike Ward who has done the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron a great service in flying cadets during the after school hours.

Cadets flew to Alice and had a great time.

" It was worth it," said Cadet Jimenez on Facebook, "I got to fly today it was...awesome."

It is hoped that this type of O-Flight can continue on into Summer 2011.

Learning about Cross Wind at Nueces Co. Airport

Cadets Ziyad and Jimenez take some time to answer some questions about cross wind.

1st Lt Mike Ward, C/SSgt Savahanna Jimenez and C/A1C Ziyad gracefully climb into the air.

Prior to the O-Flight, Major Carrales, stands ready to support the cadets in the effort.

Cadets Jimenez and Ziyad in the Aircraft at Nueces Co. Airport.

The Ever-Lovin's Major Carales at Nueces Co. Airport.

Semper is a sack in the event the "unthinkable" takes place, gladly, it did not have to be used.

A look at the Setting up of the Tarp and the Tower


After a discussion on the performance of the 32 ft PVC tower that failed to be erected on Thursday 28 April 2011; it was discovered that there were several factors that contibuted to its failure.  Analysis of the situation determined that the following were probable factors 1) several cadets were not focused on the activity and were not moving as a team, 2) the tower will not be built to 32 ft, but instead 27 ft...stability of the tower after that height is in question 3) several cadets did knot know the basic knots well enough to apply them in a timely manner nor were they skilled in driving steaks and 4) extra personnel may be necessary to insure success.

C/Amn Sarah Del Valle will organize an effort to set up the 27 ft tower on Tuesday, 10 May 2011.  She has selected a base crew made up of C/SrA Juan Vela, Jr., S/SrA Juan Cardec, C/Amn Devin Salazar, C/Amn Sarah Del Valle and C/SSgt Savahna Jimenez.  They will assemble the tower next week.

Alpha and Bravo flight at work setting up the tower and the tarp on 28 April 2011.  Alpha accomplished their mission with the tarp, however the tower did not rise to its set objective.

One element of the tower is that once it reaches a certain point a degree of coodination is necessary otr it will "bow" and could catistropically fail.  This presents a danger.  Objective: Determine if the flaw preventing the tower's completion was in the 1) procedure or 2) the design. 

The tarp was successful: What made this successful?

3 May 2011- Meeting Agenda

1605L Hrs: Opening Ceremonies- CADET SPENCER

Safety: AIR FIELDS and FLIGHT LINE SAFETY, these places can be very dangerous.  Look out for FOD, Foreign Object Debris, which is made up of small things that can damage aircraft as well as people.  Additionally, propellors and prop-blast can be an issue...a propellor is invisible when it is turning at such a high rate of speed.  No paying attention can get you killed or mutilated.

Promotions/Awards: Cadet Candidate Manuel Cardec's application will be mailed today, takes a week.  He will be assigned to Bravo Flight.


Public Affairs: Examine articles on the blog.

Upcoming Events:

1) 4 May 2011- O-Flights for Cadets Jimenez and Ziyad, Cadet Spencer is on Stand by for the activity,

2) 5 May 2011- CANCELLED, Major Carrales has an interview with KISD ADMIN at 1645L hrs.  Meeting will be postponed. 

3) 13 May 2011- A color guard has been requested for the GEAR UP FACE meeting in Robstown, Texas.  There will be several permission slips necessary for this that must be turned in and submitted early.  This is an in school field trip, we will return 6th/7th Period,

4) ES Training must start and be completed by the end of May.  This means 1) GES training for all cadets, 2) FEMA training (you must know your address and Social Security Number) and 3) 24 Hour Packs must be put together before the first CAMP OUT.

The On Line classes are will need an e-mail address and social security number to take them.




5) KEEP in mind the Camp Out and Airport Fly-in at Bishop Municipal Airport on 4 June 2011. (Still in Planning Stages, this will be a limited activity for selected cadets as training...a second such activity will expand the scope to others)  Planning will begin next Tuesday.

Possible activity this weekend at Bishop Municipal Airport...information to be posted here.

1630L hrs: REVIEW of ES EXERCISE and ANALYSIS of why the 32 ft Tower failed to rise and what lead to the failure of those objectives.



1730L hrs: KNOCKOUT


Flight of the Week for WEEK 1 MAY:
ALPHA: 28(10 Addition of C/AB Garza to Alpha Fight, C/Amn J. Stillwagon appointed to CAC, 8 pts for setint up tarp, 4 attending BUC DAYS)
BRAVO: 27 pts (20 for C/Amn Salazar and C/Amn Gonzalez promotions, 7 attended BUCK DAYS)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cadet O-Flights prove Educational for Cadets

Robstown, Texas- C/SrA Juan Vela, Jr and C/Amn Sarah Del Valle had  a cadet O-Flight on Monday, 2 May 2011 at Nueces Co. Airport located near Robstown, Texas.  Initially, it seemed that weather conditions would be an issue; however, Cadets Del Valle and Vela took off on their flights around 1745L hrs.

They were flown out of Nueces Co Airport in Robstown, Texas and  transported there by Major Carrales.  Additionally, the CAP Van was returned to Corpus Christi, Texas.  1st Lt Bill Barnes of Corpus Christi was dropped off and the van was transferred while the cadets flew.

2 May 2011- Cadet Juan Vela, Jr at the controls of "Charlie Papa" during his Type 7 O-Flight.

2 May 2011- 1st Lt Mike Ward resumed the After School O-Flight program by taking Cadets Del Valle and Vela flying from Nueces Co. Airport near Robstown, Texas.

2 May 2011- Nueces Co. Airport photo taken by Cadet Sarah Del Valle on he first O-Flight with the Civil Air Patrol.

2 May 2011- More preflight during O-Flights at Nueces Co. Airport in Robstown, Texas.

2 May 2011- 1st Lt Mike Ward and Major Joe Ely Carrales prior to O-Flights at Nueces Co. Airport.

2 May 2011- Cadet Del Valle during her Cadet O-Flight.

Again, Cadet Del Valle in the front seat on "Charlie Papa"

Green South Texas as seen from the cockpit of "Charlie Papa"
"Charlie Papa" at Nueces Co. Airport
Cadet Vela and 1st Lt Mike Ward prepare to leave hangar area at Nueces Co. Airport