Tuesday, May 21, 2013

22 May 2013 O-Flights out of CAP STATION ROBSTOWN

Cadets from the COASTAL BEND CADET SQUADRON will participate in O-Flights under Major J. W. Lunceford on 22 May 2013.  Cadets will leave immediately after school from Nueces Co. Airport in the CAP VAN (TEXAS CAP 125)  Cadet M. Escobedo is serving as alternate in case of an issue with the following two cadets.


C/AB E. Noriega      522265
C/AB A. Longoria    527225


Major J. Lunceford instructs Cadets Noriega and Longoria on  the nature of the flight.

Off they go, Cadet Noriega and Longoria take off into the wild blue yonder.

At CAP STATION ROBSTOWN, Cadets Longoria and Noriega 

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