Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24 May 2011- Regular Meeting Agenda

"Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence and Respect are the core values of the Civil Air Patrol...in as much, you have to do what you say you will do for the good of your unit to the best of your abilities in a way that shows you know you're brother and sister CAP members that have worth.  If you can't do what you say you will...then you need to acknowledge that and let people know what can and cannot be done. People will count on you...letting them down causes problems."  Major Carrales  2011
1605L hrs- Opening Ceremonies, Pledge, Cadet Oath and Moment of Silence

1615L hrs- Unit Up coming activities

1) Memorial Middle School Awards assembly at MMS on Wednesday 25 May 25 2011 in the MMS cafeteria.  Start time is 6:00 p.m.(1800L hrs)  Color Guard members will be chosen, with an alternate who will hold the Guidon if not used, and will practice today in the cafeteria.  This will be a POSTING of COLORS.


1) C/A1C Stillwagon, CAP (US FLAG)
2) C/SrA R. Alcantara, CAP (CAP FLAG)
4) C/SrA J. Cardec, CAP (CAP FLAG- RIFLE)

Alternate (Guidon)
C/Amn R. Gonzalez
2) Thursday, 26 May 2011- Is another outdoor day, students are asked to bring $3 on Monday to pitch in for cooking supplies and food for the the cooking activity to be held.  The money will be used to buy ground meat and supplies for CAMP PIZZA and other camp food.  We can save money at CAMP OUTS if we buy and cook our own food.

3) Summer Schedule needs to be made with a summary of Summer Activities.  Plan awards Dinner at Pizza Parlor for the Summer.

1630L hrs- Safety Briefing: Fire: Our Friend and Enemy: To properly participate in any cooking that taks place.  We must understand fire, how one is built and how dangerous it can be.  Also, a look at how a house can be made more safe from fires.

1700 L hrs- Drill Team and Color Guard Practices- Continue working with new cadets and work on Drill Routine.  Ending with a game of KNOCKOUT!!!

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