Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Cadets Fly

Robstown, Texas- C/A1C Robert Alcantara and C/A1C Juan M. Cardec, both Civil Air Patrol cadets from Memorial Middle School, participated in the first Cadet Orientation flights of Spring 2011 launched from Nueces Co. Airport near Robstown, Texas.  Their Orientation Pilot, 1st Lt Mike Ward of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron, provided some initial instruction and moral support as they took their first steps into the air.

"We do our best to introduce our cadets to the knowledge and science of flying," said Major J.E. Carrales, Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron Commander, "Aerospace Education is on of the three main missions of the Civil Air Patrol."

The cadets were ferried by Major Carrales to Nueces Co Airport immediately after school.

"The weather was an issue," continued Major Carrales, "a round of O-Flights scheduled for this past Monday was scrubbed due to poor weather and visibility conditions.  Those flights are to be attempted again in early April."

(Above: Cadets Alcantara and Cardec examine a sample of AvGas from "Charlie Papa's" wing tanks for water and other impurities)

Major Carrales indicated that C/A1C Juan Vela, Jr and C/Amn A.R. Delapaz, who were slated to fly would get some time at the first available window of opportunity.

The flights consisted of basic familiarization with aircraft operations under normal conditions.  Additionally, the aviators, under the tutelage of 1st Lt Mike Ward, traveled via air to Kleberg Co. Airport.

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