Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 2011: Historical Notes

Overall Goals for March and April 2011:
*Improve Marching for Buc Day's Parade
*Practice Passive Security detail
* Learn necessary knots for setting up 1) Tarps, 2) Tents and 3) to Construct a COMM tower,

March 2011 proved to be a very successful month for the unit. Aside from ending the training cycle and integrating CHARLIE flight into ALPHA and BRAVO, resulting in two strengthened FLIGHTS, on 28 March 2011 Cadet O-Flights were scheduled. When that day came, however, the low ceiling and other foul weather issues caused them to be canceled. CADETS VELA and DELAPAZ had their flight POSTPONED TO 4 APRIL 2011.   They were instead given some "ground school" by 1st Lt Mike Ward.

A conflict with the Memorial Middle School band resulted in the Tuesday 29 March 2011 meeting being CANCELED. This was appropriate since a good many cadets would have been absent.

On a high note, the 30 Cadet O-FLIGHTS of Wednesday, 30March 2011 were able to go forth. CADETS ALCANTARA and CARDEC were flown by1st Lt Mike Ward.

An end of month SAFETY MEETING took place on 31 March,cadets practiced some Emergency Services training by setting up some rudimentary field camps.  The knowledge and skills on knots and ropes was put to good use.

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