Monday, March 28, 2011

First Round of Cadet O-Flights Postponed until 4 April 2011

Robstown, Texas- Cadets were disappointed as the clouds and haze rolled into South Texas and forced the canceling of O-Flights.
"We have something called ORM," began 1st Lt Mike Ward CC-CAP orientation pilot while instructing cadets, "we have to identify, assess and do something about those risks."

Cadets J. Vela and A.R. Delapaz, instead, were given a "ground school" like instuction practicing pre-flight checklists and becoming familiar with controls and instruments. While the weather is expected to improve only slightly, it is hoped that the second round of O-flights can go ahead on WEDNESDAY.

Then Cadets Cardec and Alcantara are slated to fly. "We will go ahead and run it as if its a go," said Major Joe Ely Carrales, "if we cannot fly due to poor weather, we will run ground school again."

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