Saturday, May 12, 2012

Squadron Spirit with a Bang!

Kingsville, Texas- The Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron was surprised to discover that they had a new "toy" to  use.  In all actuality, it is a bit of a serious object.

In an effort at increase School and Squadron Spirit, 2d Lt Terry Bru, brought by a replica canon from the mid-19th Century.  It is a pneumatic canon, air fired, and it shoots out a flour charge.

"We hope to increase school and squadron spirit," said Major J.E. Carrales, "by firing the canon when the football team scores a touch down at MMS games next year."

Major Carrales went to say that is required training and extreme amounts of safety procedures.

Cadets from the Coastal Bend Cadet Squadron pose with the canon.

The Canon in the field.

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