The Corpus Christi cadets traveled to Camp Swift April 1,2011 to help the National Guard with some tasks in order to recieve a scholarship for one of their cadets to this summer's encampment. Those who participated were:
1) C/MSGT Barnes
2) C/TSGT Lidy
3) C/SrA Clake
4) C/A1C Ryder
5) SM Ryder
6) CAPT Guadalupe
It was a great time, where the cadets interacted with other Texas Wing cadets ranging from C/AB to the encampment cadet commander who holds the rank of C/LtCol. The tasks which were given to the cadets included:
1) Breakdown and reassemble barrack furniture from one building to another
2) Break down gun casings and ammo for the National Guard
3) Painting of gun range polls to increase safety for National Guard members.
After the tiring day of working hard for their money, the Corpus Christi cadets enjoyed a camp out at the squadron building playing Halo and Black Ops while growing together as a unit from this experience.
April 3, 2011
The cadets were woken up by the sounds of jets and propeller's starting up as the West Virginia Air National Guard landed at Corpus Christi Airport as part of a training exercise. The cadets were fortunate enough to be shown around by a Flight student from Kingsville NAS who's squadron was also conducting training flights. He showed the cadets around the training jet they use and they were able to see the Air Force C-130 take off, a trainer jet take off and two blackhawks take off in a very exciting morning.
The 1LT was so kind to show the cadets and senior members the trainer jet
Below are the C-130 and Trainer Jet taking off from Corpus Christi Airport
1 comment:
Excellent work...Capt Guadalupe!!! Hope to see more posts on here from CC-CAP!!!
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